Thursday, October 18, 2018

2D Art Class Week 08 Bringing It All Together Illustration

Last week I work with the twins character of Hansel and Gretel, and this week I work with the environment. This piece is the "Candy house", where is the urgent care that the doctor would give the kids with candy after they took the shot. And it is the place the twins was raised up.

Monday, October 15, 2018

3D Art Working in a Game Engine With Final Prop (Week 08)

This week we are finally going to put the prop in the game engine. We have to export the texture as maps of  color, normal, shading etc, and connect them in the Unreal Material.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

2D Class Week 07 Bringing It All Together Illustration

My theme of this week is Hansel and Gretel, the story of the twins fighting against the witch and her zombie kids army.

For this week, I have the concept of the twins.

Monday, October 8, 2018

3D Art Bake Maps and Digital Painting for a Prop

This week, I baked the high-poly sculpt to the low-poly model, and texture it in Substance Painter.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Hansel and Gretel

Instead of taking the original story of the Hansel and Gretel, I am trying to change it into darker story with the style like this from DMC: Devil May Cry Virgil's downfall.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

2D Art of Basic Lighting (Week 06 Assignment)

This Week, we are going to have some fun with the lighting. We were asked to take a photo with a least 2 point lighting, and re-creat it.

This is the original photo I took.

This is the process of my painting.

Monday, October 1, 2018

3D Art UV and Digital Sculpting for a Prop (Week 06 Assignment)

This week, we are continuing working on the Cannon with the UV and the sculpting.

First,I ajusted some of the details of the prop.

Then worked with the UVs.

And before going to Zbrush for sculpting, I made another high poly version of the prop.

After finishing all these Maya works, I could start sculpting the scratches of the Cannon.

At the end, it looks like this after Decimation.